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Investment Management

Our Investment Principles

Long term focus 

Investing is a long-term endeavor requiring patience.  Avoid chasing trends and returns.

disciplined research-driven process

Following a consistent, repeatable process grounded in principles leads to success over time.

control costs

Keeping an eye on costs can make a difference over time.  Investment costs include internal expenses of mutual funds and/or ETFs, transaction costs and tax consequences.


Focusing on diversification and quality can reduce volatility as well as risk of not reaching investment objectives.

active/passive management

As opposed to choosing between active or passive investments, efficiently constructing portfolios among active and passive investment, combined with active portfolio decisions can add excess risk-adjusted returns over time.

Investment Strategies

Our portfolios are professionally-managed, globally-diversified, low-cost portfolio solutions. Our expert investment professionals will manage a portfolio selected for your unique financial situation and help you maintain discipline to reach your investment goals.

Together, we will help you:

  • Create an investment plan. First, we'll create a proper overall stock/bond mix of investments based on your unique financial situation and your goals. Then, we'll control what we can by investing in a broad range of low-cost investments, while being aware of tax impacts.
  • Stick to the investment plan. We'll help you maintain discipline to stay invested for the long-term, through the ups and downs.
  • Adjust the investment plan. We'll closely monitor your portfolio and review your investment plan with you at least annually. We'll rebalance your portfolio to maintain your proper overall stock/bond mix of investments. 

First, you will work with your advisor to determine your overall allocation between Stocks and Bonds in each account according to your overall financial plan and risk tolerance.  Portfolio target asset allocations range from Stock/Bond mixes of 100% Stocks down to 20/80, in increments of 10%, with the option to be 100% Bonds.  

Once you and your advisor have agreed upon an asset allocation, we determine which of our professionally constructed models best fits your needs. Our core models are structured in such a way that we have a cost efficient and effective solution for any account size.

Each of these models can also be paired with certain other factors depending on the client situation, such as utilizing Municipal Bonds or a specialized investment strategy based on your specific needs as demonstrated by a financial plan.

Portfolio Management Fees

CGN provides professional investment management services for clients who wish to delegate the discretionary management of their portfolio starting at 0.75% annually and tiering down from there.

CGN may aggregate accounts within a household for purpose of reaching tiers.  

Contact Us today to learn more about our investment management services and fees for your specific situation.