Educational Materials or Downloadable Content has been made available for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of a security. Although third-party information in this web site has been obtained from and is based upon sources that CGN Advisors, LLC believes to be reliable, CGN Advisors does not guarantee its accuracy and it may be incomplete or condensed. CGN Advisors, LLC has no reason to believe that the information was materially changed or edited to create a favorable or unfavorable impression. This information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation.
Various indexes may be utilized in education material and those chosen are generally recognized as indicators or representation of the stock market in general. Indices are typically not available for direct investment, are unmanaged and do not include fees or expenses. Some indices may also not reflect reinvestment of dividends.
In addition, materials may discuss and display, charts, graphs, formulas which are not intended to be used by themselves to determine which securities to buy or sell, or when to buy or sell them. Such charts and graphs offer limited information and should not be used on their own to make investment decisions.
We make reasonable attempts to prepare all reports, recommendations and analyses accurately. Charts and other reports are prepared on demand by our or others' systems and are based on specific information requested by the user, are not audited, and may contain errors, exhibit anomalies under certain circumstances and conditions, or be assembled from historical, not real time, pricing information. Any projected investment returns presented are for informational purposes only. Any investment decisions you make should not be based solely on charts and performance information provided, but rather on your evaluation of the complete range of investment information available to you. Remember that past performance is not an indication of future performance. Investing involves risk, including the risk that you may suffer the loss of your investment.