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Financial Planning

Our Financial Planning Principles

Create a long term plan 

Make a plan based on your unique financial situation. Review your plan regularly and make adjustments as needed. Stick to your plan for the long-term.

live within your means

Spend less than you earn and save diligently. Use productive debt to grow your assets and avoid consumer debt.

Protect YOU and your loved ones 

Build a proper emergency savings fund. Use insurance to guard against catastrophic losses. Use proper estate planning strategies to plan ahead.

Build a diversified portfolio of quality investments 

Invest for the long-term. Buy stocks of quality companies that have a proven track record of growth. Buy bonds of quality companies that generate income, provide for additional diversification and help control risk.

Enjoy life on your terms

Position yourself to be able to take family vacations, enjoy your hobbies, live your dreams, volunteer your time and give generously.

Financial Planning Services

Ongoing Financial Planning

We provide the best advice when we have a full understanding of your whole financial picture and can adapt the financial plan as your life situation changes. 

Life changes in unexpected ways and so does your financial situation. As changes develop, you get real-time advice so that we can still make progress towards your financial goals. 

With the ongoing financial planning relationship, you never have to worry about extra fees when new financial questions come up. 

Dealing with new circumstances as they arise allows us to be proactive and adjust other parts of your plan.

Contact Us today to learn more about our financial planning services.


Financial Planning Topics

This list is not comprehensive.

Pension Annuity Vs. Lump Sum Estate Plan Review Portfolio Analysis
Savings to Meet Goals Cash Flow Management Retirement Contributions
Retirement Projections Education Savings Complex Tax Planning
Social Security Analysis Investment Allocation Debt Pay-Down
Long Term Care Insurance Review Insurance Review Employee Benefit Maximization
Student Loan Review First Home Purchase Rental Income Analysis